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Accountability for Others:


Sometimes part of being accountable is hitting the pause button, and sitting down and getting quiet with the Lord and taking a look at your inner circle. Recently, one of the situations I have had to deal with, has given me time to pause to see who is really on my side and who has taken the time to sew love into my life and who has not.

I have said this many times that we are behind schedule and many people are being delayed because people are not playing their parts to help people get to where they need to get in God’s Kingdom. This does not mean that we do the work for that individual. However, I go to James 2: 14 “What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” I am thankful to the people who stepped up to help me keep afloat for the situation I was in over the past month. It was not pleasant, yet again, I learn new skills to learn from the situation.

Sometimes, it is about helping people with no expectation in return and as Jesus taught us, helping people get out of negative circumstances in their lives. Helping them to resources or individuals so they can overcome things. We look at the fruits of their labors. Have they attempted to move out of their negative circumstances? Have they been obedient to everything that God has asked them to do? Have they sought out wisdom and counsel? Perhaps we are the miracles in a season of hard toil and labor that they are needing. I know I was counting on some and people didn’t step up, but, was given a re-route to account for this.

To me, the church has become lazy and self-focused. We are losing the ability to teach individuals skills and to work in a unity focused purpose. I sense things coming in time, and some of the experiences I have encountered will make this an easier transition for myself, but I fear for others. This lack of urgency when God asks us to do something for others has to stop. Its why we are in so many situations we are in currently on this planet because people fail to act with a sense of urgency. I am not speaking of fear or perfection. I hold myself in that same category as well. Being close to death, I have learned to act as quickly as possible, because I know, in the end, I will be held accountable for my actions if I don’t. I have seen, my lack of action or things I am doing currently how they effect people or how they taking people off course or keeping them off course.

I urge all of you to pray with the Holy Spirit on these matters today.

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